Category Archives: Nail Arts

Nail Art Practising, Santa’s Style~ Part 1

CNC Nail Art 13 - More Santa

As I’ve mentioned before, I NEED MORE PRACTICE~ and so here I am trying to polish my nail art skill with  more nail polishes…lol…hmm…did you get the joke??

Uhmm…I hope you do…

Okay, as you can see from the above picture, after doing the chubby Santa on my thumb nail, I decided to continue with another 2 more nails using different colours.

Why not all 5 nails you may ask?

The answer is simple, I became lazy…waiting for the NAIL POLISH TO DRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY~ 😦

In order to have more practices, I’ve decided to use the nail wheel so that I can do other stuff while waiting for the polish to dry.

CNC Wheel Nail Art

Inspired by the Chubby Santa design, the basic idea is to have the inner shirt, the outer coat and the belt therefore I’ve painted the inner shirt and the outer coat for all the 18 nails using different colours.

I will then enhance the designs as accordingly using other polish colours or nail art decors. A belt (with different design) will be added in order to keep the style in this wheel uniform.

From the above picture, you can see that I’ve already done 2 nails with the white inner shirt and pink & blue glitter outer coats. The white polish surface is still very cakey but I decided to finish using it before buying new one.

Let’s have a closer look with the following two pictures:

CNC Wheel Nail Art - 1A

For the first design, I’ve used the pink glitter polish as the outer coat. I have used the golden micro bead as the gold buttons of the shirt and our clear colour 3D acrylic ribbon nail art decor as the big belt buckle.

CNC Wheel Nail Art - 1B

For the second design, you can see that the blue glitter outer coat is a longer one. I’ve outlined the side of the coat with another blue nail polish.

At the top part, we’ve used our rounded green rhinestones (dark green for the core and light green for the petals) as the flower pendant of a choker. The belt is a 2-colour belt slanting down to the side of the hip but I am not too satisfied with the belt because the buckle is not very visible (shall improve in this).

And so this conclude Part 1 of my Nail Art Practising, Santa Style.

Hope you all enjoy reading this post.

Till then,

Cheers & TTFN~





Chubby Santa & His Christmas Trees

Yes! On this yet another cloudy day in Singapore, I’ve managed to get my fingers dirty. Since Christmas is coming soon, I shall start with some festive nail designs.

CNC Nail Art 11A - A Chubby Santas

CNC Nail Art 11 - A Chubby Santas

I’ve gotten the above design from a YouTube video. They’ve applied the design on the index finger but I’ve used my thumb and thus mine is a Chubby Santa Claus…lol…

The quality of my white nail polish is not very good + my unpolished skill in nail arts, I did not manage to have a nice & smooth surface for white colour.



Next, we’ll have the Christmas trees…

2012-12-18 13.15.01

I started sketching some Christmas trees on the envelope of my phone bill when I decided to do some tree designs.



CNC Nail Art 12 - Christmas TreesTwo very NOOB designs by yours truly

The first one is an outdoor Christmas tree and the white area at the bottom is..ah…hem…the snow…*gulp*…yes, the snow.  The second one is an indoor Christmas tree.


 I am pretty sure you all would not know they are actually Christmas trees if I’ve not describe them. 

For the first design, I’ve used an acrylic star decor for the star above the tree and some golden micro beads to highlight the layers of the tree.

For the second design, I’ve used 2 cherry fimo slice as the mistletoe and the green rhinestones to outline the tree.

Last but not least, here’s an animation video of two penguins decorating their Christmas tree.

Hope you all enjoy reading this post.

Till then,

Cheers & TTFN~
Christmas Promotion








Which is Which?

Below is a picture of the nail arts that both my sis and I did when we’ve gotten the nail wheel and the nail art brushes and I’ve almost forgotten that we’ve done these designs:

Are you able to figure who is doing A and who is doing B?

Do make a quick guess by leaving us a comment in this post just for fun sake…okie??

Pleaseeeeee~ Muahkkkkkkk~ 

Oh, I’ve received another comment from katie1094 telling me that she is playing Minecraft as well…cool!!! Now we’ve another nail art lover who plays this game and I am so happy to know that I am not alone here.

Currently, I am working on ‘My First World’ and I’ve succeeded in creating tunnels under the sea (Yeah~).

The following picture is the interior part of one of my underwater basements and frankly speaking, I don’t really know where I am heading to, so I just have to keep on digging until I hit the surface area…hehe…

Last but not least, may you all enjoy reading this post.

Till then do continue to be with us, okie?


Despicable me nail art!

I don’t really understand the language of this blog but I am attracted to the nail art of these minions. They are so cute and they reminded me of a video I once watched in YouTube.

So for those who have not seen the trailer of this movie which will be aired in 2013, here’s the link:

The Minion Banana Song in 3D

Wanted to embed the video but it just wouldn’t show up…:(

Anyway, hope you enjoy this cuteeeee banana song, but don’t go bananas….hehehe

Till then,


Nice Nail Arts

Laats zag ik de film Despicable me weer eens. Ik vind dit echt een grappige film en die gele poppetjes (minions) zijn zo schattig! Daarom leek me het leuk om deze een keer op mijn nagels te maken.

Kijken jullie mee hoe ik dit gedaan heb?

View original post 260 more words

A Disastrous Beginning…

If I am Homer Simpson, I should be crying out, “DOH!” when I did the first nail art on our newly bought nail wheels.

I know I’ve mentioned that I don’t have time at the moment to do any nail art, but my baby sis wanted to try them out and to make things interesting, we decided to have a mini competition, with our mum as the judge.

What we did is to choose a video tutorial from YouTube and compete each other by doing the same design.

The design we’ve chosen is

Nail Art Tutorial Black & White Butterfly Freehand Design for Short Nails at Home

The lady did the design using 3 methods for the butterfly, first with a butterfly decal, then the stamping method and lastly the freehand method.

Since we do not have any decal (which I am so ~ so ~  going to buy in the near future) and the stamping tools, we painted our butterflies using freehand (yep…using the newly bought nail polish brushes…hehe).

I guess from the title of this post, you ought to know the result…You are correct, it was…


The one with the blue rhinestones is done by my baby sis and mine is the one with a purple rhinestone. As the main part is the butterfly, so I just cropped out the butterfly areas.

So, no winner for this round…*sob*…

No pretty nail arts for this post but do enjoy looking at the other factors in this picture, for example, the nice candles, pretty frames and two cute little skulls…hehehe…

Till then ~ TTFN

Childish Smile

As a name, what do you think about ‘Childish Smile’? 

(because pink is usually, but not always, a childish color)


Received a comment from CreatingADream for our “Look! Pinky is Blushing” post and decided to do a nail art using red and pink.

The system of my mobile phone was recently updated and I noticed there are some new features in the default camera app. So I took the photo using it and the result is quite satisfying. The bottom picture was the result after using its effect mode.

I’ve used a ribbon fimo and a love fimo to represent a female at two different stages of her life.

The ribbon fimo represents a little girl’s smile, which is by default, a childish sweet smile. The love fimo represents a lady’s smile whenever she felt being loved, a sweet and perhaps a little childish smile?

The above are just purely my own interpretation inspired by the given name.

Hope you enjoy them and till then,



Feathers over the rainbow…

Oh Gosh..oh gosh….I’ve had a difficult time trying to upload this post because the ‘add media’ button is not working, I wonder what is going on???

Thank God I managed to upload picture using another add post option, but I don’t really like it because this option does not have a preview button….sob*sob*….

I do hope the bug will be fixed soon…

Okay, back to today’s topic…This post title immediately came into my head the moment I finished the design and had an image of two feathers coming from a bird flying over the rainbow…hehehe….

I was doing a rainbow design on my toe nails basing on the one that I did on my baby sister’s. For my right leg, I did a vertical stripes with a few colours (very much similar to the ones on the finger nails) but unfortunely, they were ruined after I’ve applied a layer of silver glitter!!!! (URGHHHHHH!!!!)

With the painstaking experience on my right toes, I decided to be more careful with my left foot. Instead of vertical stripes, I’ve taken the approach to using freestyle horizontal stripes with all the colours I’ve had at hand and here’s the result:


Actually, I did not take down the photo of the design only after a few days later when I wanted to remove them. From the picture, you should have noticed that my right foot is actually inside a sock because I was just recovering from a bad flu on the day I took the photo…Heehee…

After taking a last look, I realized that the colours were still in good condition even without any top coat, so I decided to share them with you all.T

This is, of course not a very successful attempt and though I’ve mentioned before, I still find the need to shout out loud, ” IT IS NOT EASY DOING YOUR OWN TOE NAILS!!!”

If I were to take down photos of myself trying all kinds of funny postures just to paint the nails, you may think that I am doing some difficult yoga postures rather than nail painting?

*Sob*….I need to do something about my back….and WP needed to do something about the bug fixing…

Hope you enjoy reading this post.

In the meantime, TTFN~ 

Don’t be Blue, Stay Cute…

Blue is one of my favourite colours and thus I decided to try out two blue colours on my nails. Unfortunately, besides painting my nails blue (x3), my mood was painted blue as well.

It was the day I FINALLY realised why those previous few nail designs were getting small lumps after applying the top coat polish.

The reason is simple…



Did you see the ‘x3’?

Yes, it took me 3 tries….why?


Sad…now, I’ve no more usable top coat polish BUT I am just tooooooooo lazy to go and get one.

Must get one soon….must get one soon…..

How ironic life can be sometimes, wanted a cute and simple design and yet, giving me blue moods because of it….anyway, here’s the outcome from this ironic learning experience:

Can you notice the uneven surface?  Trust me, that was the best I could with THE CONTAMINATED TOP COAT..(*sob*sob*).

No top coat polish applied to the other 4 nails since I was convinced that they looked nicer without it.

By the way, did you also notice two tiny round blobs? They used to be two sparkling light blue 2mm rhinestones but after 3 tries, they became two blobs (*sob*sob*)….poor rhinestones…don’t be sad…you still rock, even as a blob!!!

Material used:

  • Colour – Baby Blue, Blue & Silver glitter
  • Nail Art Decor – 1 thick-cut pink ribbon fimo and yes, two 2mm light blue rhinestones (*Sob*)



Fallen Flower on Water…

My first toe nail art…hehe…frankly speaking, I thought it would be easier but IT IS NOT!!!!  p(-_-)q

Perhaps it is just me, LOL.

Nevertheless, I’ve only managed to apply my design on the big toe while the rest, I just finished them off with 3 light purple dots on each nail (may not be very visible in the picture) in order to match the purple flower fimo. As a matter of fact, I wanted to use a blue flower fimo but then the contrast between the fimo colour and the background colour will be very low.

Initially, I wanted to name it “Water Splash” but decided to change it to ‘Fallen Flower on Water’ since I thought it looks like fallen flower floating on water (been reading too many blogs on flowers…or am I just trying to console myself? :P)

What do you all see? No harm letting me know eh?

So, here’s the result of another of my unskilled nail art:

The upper picture was taken while my feet were still dry. When I was changing water for my red face turtle (of 23 years), water was running down my feet and when I look at the nails again, they looked kinda…hmmm…different? So I decided to take down another picture for comparsion purpose.

Okay, enough blabbering…here are the colours and materials I used for this design:

  • Silver glitter (background), white, baby blue & blue (water) and light purple (dots)
  • 1 purple fimo flower

Hope you are enjoy this humble design of yours truly.

Till then, TTFN~ 

A Very Simple Nail Art Design

I’ve mentioned earlier that my aunt came for a visit during two weeks ago and I did a simple nail design (well, simple is the only thing  I can do so far, lol) and I simply love glitter colours at this stage because the glitter colours are good for covering up the flaws on the uneven french tips (LOL). I know, I needed more practising…hehee…so, here’s the result:

I did alternate designs with a flower fimo + line dots on 3 fingers and only 2 simple rhinestones on 2 fingers so they won’t fall off easily due to all the washing and cooking in the later part of the day. The reason I chose red rhinestones was because her toe nails were already painted in red hehee…

  • Colours used: White, red, sliver glitter and pink glitter.
  • Fimo used: Orange Flower (6 pcs)
  • Rhinestone used: 2mm round red rhinestone (8 pcs)

Gotta get back to more fimo cutting and sorting.

Will upload more designs when they are ready, so do stay tuned for more…